The Dead • 1996 • Zomedy short story by Michael Swanwick


Synopsis: Zombies are not the well-known brain eaters, swarming the cities in an apocalypse. No, they are perfectly fine working force as waiter in restaurants, MMA fighters, or horizontal entertainers. Up to now, they’ve been luxury good but a new corporation found a way to produce them in the cost range of a car, thus threatening the whole blue collar workers out of their jobs:

“They can be catheterized,” I said – “no toilet breaks.”

Review: A hilarious idea is well played in this zomedy. HR Courtney sells a management position to the narrator in this dialogue driven story. After all the laughing, the story leaves me wondering about the morale – business sells you even the dead, and nothing will save you. There even is a business plan concerning the poor, selling them a reverse life insurance if they are only willing to work as soon as dead.

Meta: isfdb. Available online.



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