Flying Saucer Rock and Roll • 1985 • Vintage SF novella by Howard Waldrop


Synopsis:  Back in the 60s, acapella doo-wop rock band battles were a thing. This story follows one performance where a underdog teenage band duke it out around New York City. One of the kids just loves UFO stories.

Review: Waldrop covers the vintage style of this 60s beatniks and the fascination of UFOs wonderfully. I just couldn’t connect with his multitudinous song descriptions like

“Shoo-be-doop, shoo-doop-de-be-doop, shoo-doopbe-do-be-doop,” and Cornelius was going, “Ah-rem-em, ah-rem-em, ah-rem-emm bah.”

Only after playing the titles on youtube, I instantly recognized the songs. But that was exhausting and didn’t encourage me, as I don’t like that music. The integration with flying saucers was well executed in itself but didn’t bring the story forward and could have been cut completely. I just don’t get, why Waldrop included it. I think it is far better to just watch this short video or the12 minute spoof.

Meta: isfdb.


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